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Word Puzzle

It is often said that solving puzzles makes the brain very sharp and helps the mind to process challenging jobs with more diligence and acute precision.

On this topic, young competitors of Auxilium Convent School from Primary section participated in ‘Word Puzzle Competition’ on 24th July ’23 and made everyone awestruck with their amazing mastery in solving puzzles of various calibres.

In this competition, every team of participants representing their own house was required to solve not only WORD puzzles but also JIGSAWS i.e. a puzzle consisting of a picture printed on cardboard and cut into various pieces of different shapes.

The competition was a race against time where speed mattered much towards completing a particular task and everyone was scared of time flying away.

The Principal of the school, on this occasion, thanked all the students for putting up a brilliant show and praised all of them for their imaginative mind and extraordinary superior intelligence.

Wednesday, 2nd August 2023